Distant Memoraĵo Walkthrough (SukeraSparo & MangaGamer)

My Ex Sister In Law

This walkthrough is for the Distant Memoraĵo visual novel by SukeraSparo and MangaGamer, available for English download on MangaGamer and Steam. The Japanese name of this game is Itsuka no Memorajxo ~Kotonoha Amrilato~.

There are two chapters for Distant Memoraĵo, Days Ahead and Days Gone By. There is just one at the start but the 2nd becomes available after the 1st story has been cleared. Various routes are available. With this guide you can unlock them all, including all CGs.

You’ll need 2 save slots for Distant Memoraĵo. This walkthrough is based on the original Japanese one over at Seiya Saiga.

Days Ahead

End 1

  • New Story
  • Save slot 1
  • …There is something.
  • …It just seems like it was too easy-peasy.
  • Save slot 2
  • Hey! Kanako!
  • Watch out for strangers, ok?
  • ^L + PVUNTA makes “to lend”?
  • Is there anyone you can say you love?
  • …Let me hear…

End 2

  • Load save 2
  • …I’d just be a third wheel.
  • …Karesansui!

End 3

  • Load slot 1
  • Of course there isn’t!

Days Gone By

  • New Story
  • Days Gone By
  • …It’s the first time I’m hearing.

*Rei’s Recipes is now available from the main menu.