His Chuunibyou Can’t Be Cured Walkthrough (Tamaya Kagiya)


This is a walkthrough for the (adult) visual novel “His Chuunibyou Can’t Be Cured” by Tamaya Kagiya, available for download over at Mangagamer. Though it should all work with the all-ages edition as well.

His Chuunibyou Can’t Be Cured has 5 heroines (Tsumiki, Ai, Yui, Shiro, Megumi) and various endings for each of them. Though not all of them yield new CGs. You’ll need at least 10 save slots to complete this guide.

This guide was made using the adult edition, but it should also work with the all-ages version.


  • Since His Chuunibyou Can’t Be Cured does not have a gallery feature available after finishing the game, I recommend saving at the start of each H-scene if you ever want easy access to them again.
  • There is a more efficient way to get through this game, but with the guide below you’ll also get to see the character development. Rather than skipping over it.

Tsumiki normal end

  • You tell me.
  • She has a point.
  • You’ve got to be kidding me.
  • Save Slot 1
  • Writing
  • Tsumiki (Home)
  • Tsumiki (Home)
  • Tsumiki (Home)
  • Check out the writing.
  • Tsumiki (Home)
  • Tsumiki (Home)
  • Thank you.
  • Save Slot 2
  • We can’t slack off anymore.
  • Greet her.
  • That’s not true.
  • You were weird.
  • You can be whoever you want.
  • It’s as beautiful as all the rest.

Tsumiki good end

  • Load Slot 2
  • I think we all need a break.
  • Greet her.
  • How do you know?
  • We turned out pretty good.
  • You can show people who you really are.
  • I love how it stands out.

Ai bad end 1

  • Load Slot 1
  • Art
  • Ai (Library)
  • Ai (Library)
  • Ai (Library)
  • Check out the art.
  • Ai (Library)
  • Ai (Library)
  • I like being different.
  • Save Slot 3
  • You can always try to fit in more.
  • Are you hiding something from me?
  • Press her further.
  • The manga version.
  • You might regret it later.
  • Save Slot 4
  • Let her go.

Ai bad end 2

  • Load Slot 4
  • Don’t let her go.

Ai normal end

  • Load Slot 3
  • To be different is to be beautiful.
  • Did you know that my powers can tell anything?
  • Let her be.
  • Whichever one you like better.
  • You can be who you want to be.
  • Save Slot 5
  • It’s as beautiful as all the others.

Ai good end

  • Load Slot 5
  • It stands out from the rest.

Yui normal end

  • Load Slot 1
  • Others
  • Yui (Park)
  • Yui (Park)
  • Yui (Park)
  • Check out the music.
  • Yui (Park)
  • Yui (Park)
  • Let her be.
  • Follow her.
  • “You can stop bowing now.”
  • Don’t tell.
  • Save Slot 6
  • Leave her alone.
  • It’s okay.

Yui good end

  • Load Slot 6
  • Approach her.
  • Change something.

Shiro bad end

  • Load Slot 1
  • I can’t choose.
  • Shiro (Cafeteria)
  • Shiro (Cafeteria)
  • Shiro (Cafeteria)
  • Quickly finish up.
  • Shiro (Cafeteria)
  • Shiro (Cafeteria)
  • Maybe sometimes.
  • Defend her.
  • Save Slot 7
  • That’s none of your business.
  • Thank her.
  • Be mean.
  • Decline.
  • Leave her alone.

Shiro normal end

  • Load Slot 7
  • Let’s visit her together.
  • Thank her.
  • Be nice.
  • Save Slot 8
  • Decline.
  • Leave her alone.

Shiro good end

  • Load Slot 8
  • Play along.
  • Stay with her.

Megumi bad end

  • Load Slot 1
  • I can’t choose.
  • Megumi (School)
  • Megumi (School)
  • Save Slot 9 (After choice)
  • Ai (Library)
  • Quickly finish up.
  • Tsumiki (Home)
  • Yui (Park)
  • Side with me.
  • Maybe.
  • Save Slot 10
  • Stay here.
  • He would’ve wanted you to follow your own dreams.
  • Ask her why.

Megumi normal end

  • Load Slot 10
  • Follow her.
  • He would’ve been proud of you.
  • Don’t say anything.

Megumi good end

  • Load Slot 9
  • Megumi (School)
  • Check everything out.
  • Megumi (School)
  • Megumi (School)
  • Don’t pick sides.
  • No.
  • Follow her.
  • He would’ve been proud of you.
  • Don’t say anything.