Magical Teacher: My Teacher’s a Mage? walkthrough (Mangagamer)


This is a walkthrough for the English translation of Magical Teacher by Mangagamer, a game originally developer by the Japanese company “Score”. The English walkthrough is based on this Japanese walkthrough.

This walkthrough is only meant as a guidance to get all CGs, as the game only has 1 ending. But it does have various sub-routes you can take during the game.

** Since the game lacks a quick save option you can use save slot 00 as a “Quick save/load” slot for the various scenes where you can get different CG variations.

First playthrough

  • ** Cum inside / Cum outside
  • ** Cum inside / Cum outside
  • ** Cum in her mouth / Cum on her face
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Practise room
  • Gym
  • Sports field
  • She Likes Young Boys?
  • Save slot 1
  • Ask Alicia for assistance
  • ** Cum inside / Cum outside
  • Cum inside her
  • Chase after Chigusa
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Being Teased Sucks?
  • Let Mariko do as she pleases
  • Cum inside her
  • Let her tell my fortune
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Misdirected Malice?
  • Try offering it to Kana
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Go report to Kana
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Everybody’s Fair Game?
  • I guess I can trust her
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Go home by myself
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Go and check it out
  • Start of second half
  • Secret Training?
  • Cum in her mouth
  • Let her do it
  • ** Cum in her ass / Cum outside her
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Let Natsuki do it
  • ** Cum inside / Cum outside
  • ** Cum in her ass / Cum on her body
  • Appreciate Kindness?
  • Confirm my suspicions
  • Go get Mariko for her
  • Cum inside her
  • Exercise Moderation During Experimentation?
  • Cum inside her
  • Go home
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Go check the science room
  • Some Casual Advice?
  • Ask Alicia to help
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Cum inside her
  • Complain to Alicia
  • ** Cum in her mouth / Cum on her face
  • Cum inside her
  • End

Second playthrough

  • Load slot 1
  • Ask Haruka for assistance
  • Cum outside her
  • Chase after Yukari
  • Being Teased Sucks?
  • Stop Mariko
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Cum outside her
  • Run away
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Misdirected Malice?
  • Save slot 2
  • Try offering it to Chigusa
  • Wait here until Kana comes
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Everybody’s Fair Game?
  • No means no
  • Go home with Natsuki
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Ignore it and go to the bathroom
  • Start of second half
  • Secret Training?
  • Cum on her face
  • Save slot 3
  • I’m satisfied
  • Cum in her mouth
  • I can do it myself
  • ** Cum in her mouth / Cum on her face
  • Appreciate Kindness?
  • This is bad… run away!
  • Head for the faculty room
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Cum outside her
  • Exercise Moderation During Experimentation?
  • Cum outside her
  • Go with Alicia
  • Save slot 4
  • Go search for the clone
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Some Casual Advice?
  • Decline politely
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Cum outside her
  • Go home
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her
  • Cum outside her
  • End

Scene recovery 1

  • Load slot 2
  • Try offering it to Mariko

Scene recovery 2

  • Load slot 3
  • I’d rather do her pussy
  • Cum on her face
  • I can do it myself
  • ** Cum inside her / Cum outside her

Scene recovery 3

  • Load slot 4
  • Go check the science room