This is a walkthrough for the translated version of Age’s Muv-Luv, published on Steam by Degica. It’ll be updated if needed when the 18+ patch comes out. The guide is completely based on the original Japanese walkthrough by Seiya-Saiga, but instead adjusted to the translation. All credit to them.
There are plenty of routes in this game spread out over 2 episodes. Heroines include Sumika (Extra only), Meiya, Kei, Miki, Chizuru, and Mikoto (Unlimited only). You’ll need 15 save slots, but you should also have all CGs and Steam achievements after following this guide. Not all save slots are used in this version but they were in the original walkthrough. They don’t seem to be needed for now, but might be for the adult patch later on, we’ll see.
Muv-Luv walkthroughs
- Muv-Luv
- Muv-Luv Alternative
- Muv-Luv Extra: Sumika END
- Muv-Luv Extra: Meiya END
- Muv-Luv Extra: Common END 1
- Muv-Luv Extra: Kei End
- Muv-Luv Extra: Common END 2
- Muv-Luv Extra: Miki END
- Muv-Luv Extra: Chizuru END
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Meiya END
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Meiya normal END
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Kei END
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Kei normal END
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Miki END
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Miki normal END
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Chizuzu END
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Chizuzu normal END
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Mikoto END
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Mikoto normal END
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Yuuko END
- Start Muv-Luv Extra
- 1. I guess it was fun.
- 2. Wait, that’s not the issue here!
- Save Slot 1
- 1. Sumika
- 1. Clean
- 1. Eat Sumika’s lunch
- 1. Go home
- 4. Move left
- 2. Keep moving
- 2. Keep maintaining distance
- 1. Sumika!
- 1. Eat Sumika’s lunch
- 1. Go to the archery range
- 1. Eat Sumika’s lunch
- 1. Sumika
- 1. Sumika
- 1. Go out with her
- 2. Let me think about it
- 1. Go home with her
- 1. Yes
- 2. I can’t accept that
- 2. You can do it, Sumika
- 2. Go to the physics prep room
- 1. Stay with Sumika and Meiya
- 1. Sumika
- 1. Gotta be Sumika
- 3. Get in the car
- 3. Wait until school ends
- 2. Come up with a back-up plan
- 2. Sumika’s wouldn’t be too bad…
- 2. Walk home
- 1. I guess it… looks good on you?
- 1. Stuffed animal
- 1. Next to Sumika
- 2. No, that’s okay
- Muv-Luv Extra: Sumika END
- Load slot 1
- 2. Meiya
- 1. Clean
- 2. Eat Meiya’s lunch
- 1. Go home
- 3. Move right
- 2. Keep moving
- 2. Keep maintaining distance
- 2. I’ll ask Meiya
- 2. Eat Meiya’s lunch
- 1. Go to the archery range
- 2. Eat Meiya’s lunch
- 2. Meiya
- 2. Meiya
- 2. I can’t do that
- 2. Let me think about it
- 2. There’s something I need to think about alone
- 1. Yes
- 2. I can’t accept that
- 1. Close-quarters battle
- 2. Go to the physics prep room
- 1. Stay with Sumika and Meiya
- 2. Meiya
- 2. Meiya, for sure
- 1. Get in the car
- 3. Wait until school ends
- Save Slot 2
- 2. Come up with a back-up plan
- 1. Guess I should just do it myself, like Meiya said…
- 1. Get in the car
- 2. Well, the dress looks pretty, at least
- 2. Book
- 2. Next to Meiya
- 1. I want to hear this
- Muv-Luv Extra: Meiya END
- Load slot 2
- 1. Do nothing
- Muv-Luv Extra: Common END 1
- Load slot 1
- 4. Make a mad dash for the exit!
- 1. Go to the roof?
- 2. Run away
- 2. Behind the school
- 3. Flee
- Save Slot 3
- 1. Roof
- 2. Go to the back of the school
- 1. Advance
- 1. Shoot
- 1. Head in for close-quarters combat
- Save Slot 4
- 4. I should go straight to Ayamine…
- 1. Return to the classroom
- 3. Eat both
- 1. Roof
- 2. Go to the field
- 1. Eat Sumika’s lunch
- 5. Ayamine
- 5. Ayamine
- 2. I can’t do that
- 2. Let me think about it
- 2. There’s something I need to think about alone
- 2. No
- 1. I accept
- 2. Long-range battle
- 1. Go to the roof
- 1. You guys head home without me
- 4. Follow Ayamine
- 5. Ayamine
- Save Slot 5
- 4. Obviously, Class Rep and Ayamine!
- 2. Catch up with Ayamine
- 2. Go look for Ayamine
- 1. Do nothing
- Save Slot 6
- 1. Do it
- Muv-Luv Extra: Kei End
- Load slot 5
- 3. I’m worried about Tama
- 1. Go to Tama’s house
- Muv-Luv Extra: Common END 2
- Load slot 4
- 3. Maybe Tama, perhaps…
- 2. Chase after Tama
- 1. Go to the archery range
- 3. Eat Tama’s lunch
- 3. Tama
- 3. Tama
- 2. I can’t do that
- 2. Let me think about it
- 2. There’s something I need to think about alone
- 2. No
- 2. I can’t accept that
- 2. Long-range battle
- 1. Go to the roof
- 2. Go home with Tama
- 3. Miki
- 3. I’m worried about Tama
- 1. Go to Tama’s house
- 1. Let’s do this… together!
- 1. Cheer her on as loud as I can
- Muv-Luv Extra: Miki END
- Load slot 3
- 3. Courtyard
- 3. Wander aimlessly
- 4. Move left
- 2. Keep moving
- 2. Keep maintaining distance
- 4. I should go straight to Ayamine…
- 3. Eat both
- 3. Courtyard
- 2. Go to the field
- 1. Eat Sumika’s lunch
- 4. Class Rep
- 4. Class Rep
- 2. I can’t do that
- 1. I accept
- 2. There’s something I need to think about alone
- 2. No
- 1. Close-quarters battle
- 1. Go to the roof
- 1. You guys head home without me
- 2. Go home with Class Rep
- 4. Chizuru
- 4. Obviously, Class Rep and Ayamine!
- 1. Walk Sakaki home
- 1. Call for Class Rep
- 1. Do nothing
- Save Slot 7
- 1. I can’t say
- Muv-Luv Extra: Chizuru END
- Start Muv-Luv Unlimited
- 1. Keep my left elbow tight to my body…
- 1. Take that!
- 1. I-I have no other choice…
- 2. I couldn’t die
- 2. Sword won’t work on our enemies
- 1. Because they never run out of ammo
- 2. Cat’s Cradle
- 1. Doing this with Class Rep sounds more fun
- 1. Just make something up! Whatever!
- 2. Yeah, looks like it’s broken
- 1. Yes, ma’am
- Save Slot 8
- 1. Retrieve the rope
- 1. Retrieve the canteen
- 2. A surface pilot’s piloting skills
- 1. You okay, Class Rep?
- 2. Ayamine…? You still alive?
- 3. Guess I’ll borrow some from Tama…
- 2. Continue down the trench
- 2. Ayamine
- 1. Guess I’ll go see how Meiya’s doing
- 1. Guess I’ll go see how Tama’s doing
- 1. Guess I’ll go see how Ayamine’s doing
- 1. Guess I’ll go see how Mikoto’s doing
- Save Slot 9
- 2. Meiya, for sure
- Save Slot 10
- 2. I need you to live
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Meiya END
- Load slot 10
- 1. All right
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Meiya normal END
- Load slot 9
- 3. Guess it’d have to be Ayamine
- Save Slot 11
- 2. I should head back
- Save Slot 12
- 2. I need you to live
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Kei END
- Load slot 12
- 1. All right
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Kei normal END
- Load slot 9
- 4. Tama… No two ways about it
- 2. I should head back
- Save Slot 13
- 2. I need you to live
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Miki END
- Load slot 13
- 1. All right
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Miki normal END
- Load slot 9
- 1. Gotta be Class Rep, right?
- 2. I should head back
- Save Slot 14
- 2. I need you to live
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Chizuzu END
- Load slot 14
- 1. All right
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Chizuzu normal END
- Load slot 9
- 5. …Yeah, it’s Mikoto
- 2. I should head back
- Save Slot 15
- 2. I need you to live
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Mikoto END
- Load slot 15
- 1. All right
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Mikoto normal END
- Load slot 11
- 1. I can’t leave her like this
- Muv-Luv Unlimited: Yuuko END
Did you like the style and story of Muv-Luv? You might want to try out the direct sequel Muv-Luv Alternative.