My Horny Ex-Classmate Trophy Wife’s Sexual Reckoning Walkthrough (Anim / Shiravune)

LIP Lewd Idol Project Vol3

This walkthrough is for the My Horny Ex-Classmate Trophy Wife’s Sexual Reckoning visual novel by Anim and Shiravune, available for English download on Johren. The Japanese name of this game is Ore o Mikudasu Celeb Tsuma no Do M Ganbou Shinkankaku Animation Novel Tsuma Kan 2.

My Horny Ex-Classmate Trophy Wife’s Sexual Reckoning has 1 main heroine, Yuika. This guide will help you unlock all censored CGs for My Horny Ex-Classmate Trophy Wife’s Sexual Reckoning. 

You’ll need 1 save slot.

This walkthrough is based on the one found on Seiya Saiga.


  • There is a H-scene but no scene recollection is required

End 1

  • New Game
  • Save slot 1
  • I want her

End 2

  • Load slot 1
  • I want revenge