Primal x Hearts 2 Walkthrough (Marmalade / Shinavune)


This walkthrough is for the Primal x Hearts 2 visual novel by Marmalade and Shinavune, available for English download on MangaGamer and Johren

Primal x Hearts 2 has 5 main heroines, Alicetia, Usagi, Mashiro, Tateha, and Anna. This guide will help you unlock all censored CGs. 

You’ll need 3 save slots for Primal x Hearts 2.

After the main story lines of the 4 main girls have been completed, side stories for these ladies open up. These stories can be accessed from the main title page. Completing these side stories and the main story will complete the CG gallery in the Extras tab.

This walkthrough is based on the one found on Seiya Saiga.

Alicetia Wallenberg Kezouji

  • Become the manager of the softball club
  • Save slot 1
  • Gekka
  • Gekka
  • Gekka
  • Gekka
  • Save slot 2
  • Alicetia Wallenberg Kezouji

Usagi Tsukiyono

  • Load slot 1
  • Tendo
  • Tendo
  • Tendo
  • Tendo
  • Save slot 3
  • Usagi Tsukiyono

Mashiro Kuryu

  • Load slot 2
  • Mashiro Kuryu

Tateha Tatebayashi

  • Load slot 3
  • Tateha Tatebayashi

Anna Watanuki

  • Load slot 3
  • Anna Watanuki

Alicetia Side Story

  • Start
    • Blue Seas & Swimsuits
    • Empty Classrooms & Golden Pups

Usagi Side Story

  • Start
    • Hideaways & Sweaty Socks
    • Bunnies & Bodyguards
    • Popstars & Excursions
    • Vacations & Romances

Mashiro Side Story

  • Start
    • Stars, Promises & Eternity
    • Colds, Ladies & Seduction

Tateha Side Story

  • Start
    • Cafes & Traditions
    • Maids & Masters