Eden’s Ritter 1:2 – Priestess of Pleasure Walkthrough (Waffle / Shiravune)

LIP Lewd Idol Project Vol3

This walkthrough is for the Eden’s Ritter 1:2 – Priestess of Pleasure visual novel by Waffle and Shiravune, available for English download on Steam. The Japanese name of this game is Eden’s Ritter – Chapter 1 Gaiden – Innan no Miko-hime Cecily Hen.

Eden’s Ritter 1:2 – Priestess of Pleasure has 2 main heroines, Cecily and Noein. This guide will help you unlock all censored CGs for Eden’s Ritter. 

You’ll need 5 save slots for Eden’s Ritter.

This walkthrough is based on the one found on Seiya Saiga.

True End

  • Save slot 1
  • Unleash the power right here
  • Save slot 2
  • Defeat this monster
  • Save slot 3
  • Cecily’s visage
  • Save slot 4
  • Noein’s visage
  • Save slot 5
  • Strike through the skull

Bad End

  • Load slot 5
  • Strike through the chest

Bad End Recovery 1

  • Load slot 1
  • Break out and regroup

Bad End Recovery 2

  • Load slot 2
  • Save the soldier

Bad End Recovery 3

  • Load slot 3
  • My own depraved visage

Bad End Recovery 4

  • Load slot 4
  • Rudolph’s visage