I Walk Among Zombies Vol. 3 Walkthrough (Seacoxx / Sekai Project / Denpasoft)

My Ex Sister In Law

This walkthrough is for I Walk Among Zombies Vol. 3, the third in the visual novel series by Seacoxx and published in English by Sekai Project. It’s available for download here (fully uncensored) or on Steam here. If you have the all ages version, you can download the 18+ patch on Denpasoft or Steam.

The story is a direct continuation of the story in I Walk Among Zombies Vol. 2 and it’s highly recommended to play that title first.

Since this chapter is a continuation, you can dive deeper into the story of the hero Yuusuke, as he fights for his life. Mysterious things have begun to happen and it’s up to him to pull through with Makiura and Mitsuki.

Vol 3 is similar to I Walk Among Zombies Vol. 2 because it has one choice to offer the player. This guide is based upon the original Japanese walkthrough by Seiya-Saiga. And so all credit goes to them.

You’ll need 1 save slot for this guide.


After game completion, there is an Additional Scenes tab that opens up on the title page. This contains a chapter titled Mitsuki’s Shopping Trip. Completing this chapter also completes the CGI library.

I Walk Among Zombies series walkthroughs

Main End

  • Save slot 1
  • Head to the outdoors center

Tokiko End

  • Load slot 1
  • Go with Tokiko

After completing the above a new menu option “Additional Scenes” will be available. This contains 1 additional scene with Tokiko.