My Little Sister’s Special Place Walkthrough (feng / Denpasoft & Sekai Project)

ReLord 3 The demon lord of Groessen and the final witch

This walkthrough is for the My Little Sister’s Special Place visual novel by feng and Denpasoft & Sekai Project, available for English download on Denpasoft, Sekai Project, and Steam. The Japanese name of this game is Imouto no Seiiki.

Denpasoft has a free 18+ patch for you if you’ve got the Steam version. All CG in this patch are uncensored.

My Little Sister’s Special Place has 1 main heroine, Yukana. This guide will help you unlock all uncensored CGs for My Little Sister’s Special Place. 

You’ll need 2 save slots for My Little Sister’s Special Place.

This walkthrough is based on the one found on Seiya Saiga.


  • You can decide to have your character do a “Default Climax” choice. If you decide to select one, you won’t have any Adult choices to make.

True End

  • Start
  • Save slot 1
  • Accept Yukana’s feelings
  • Adult choice
  • Adult choice
  • Adult choice
  • Adult choice
  • Adult choice
  • Save slot 2
  • I can’t choose one or the other.
  • Adult choice

Normal End 1

  • Load slot 2
  • More like lovers than we already are.

Normal End 2

  • Load slot 2
  • Siblings, like we were before.

Bad End

  • Load slot 1
  • I can’t accept her feelings