E-mote preview and trial for Amakano ~Second Season~ by Azarashi Soft

Developer Azarashi Soft has updated the website for their upcoming game “Amakano ~Second Season~”. The sequel for their debut game is due for a release in December and with roughly 1 month to go the company has now released a trial for the game. Which perhaps is an indication that development is going smoothly.

The trial edition is available for download through one of several mirrors listed on the game’s official site here. You can also head over directly to mirror site Holyseal. The download size is about 821 MB.

Amakano Second Season trial

E-mote preview & OP

At the same time, Azarashi Soft has also updated their Youtube channel with a short preview video featuring the ingame e-mote system.  The video will also be able to give you an idea of the art by artist Piromizu that you’ll see in the game. Head over to Azarashi Soft’s Youtube channel to watch the preview.

If you do, be sure to also check the game’s OP movie (if you haven’t seen it yet). It was released roughly 2 weeks ago and features a song called “Yuki no Gai Kimi to” by Duca.