Next game by Hulotte is called Yome Sagashi ga Hakadori Sugite Yabai, website open

Hulotte has published the name, date, and website for their next game. The information follows a teaser image that was shown fairly recently. The name of the game will be “Yome Sagashi ga Hakadori Sugite Yabai.”, and its story will be set in a slightly remotely located village. A website was opened here, which for now has the story and character pages available.

If you recognize the artstyle you’re probably correct in assuming that the art for the game will be handled by Akane Ikegami (vndb), the same artist that worked on Hulotte’s previous games.


As mentioned before, Daiki lives in a small village that for some reason is located a slight distance away from population. His family actually inherited a strange supernatural ability. And on one day Daiki’s powers furnish making him experience a naughty dream. But when he remembers the promise he made to the girl in his dream it feels like it would turn into reality soon…


There are character pages for 7 girls and 2 males, including the protagonist himself. It’s currently unclear whether all of these are “heroines” or not. No voice actors or sample CG images are listed yet.

Yome Sagashi ga Hakadori Sugite Yabai kanna Yome Sagashi ga Hakadori Sugite Yabai MihonoYome Sagashi ga Hakadori Sugite Yabai SerikaYome Sagashi ga Hakadori Sugite Yabai NanakaYome Sagashi ga Hakadori Sugite Yabai KirinoYome Sagashi ga Hakadori Sugite Yabai YuiYome Sagashi ga Hakadori Sugite Yabai Meika

Release date

The release date for the game has been set to November 27 this year.