Online impression trial for Pulltop’s Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi wo

Pulltop has updated the website for their upcoming game Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi wo with an “impression trial”. Which is basically a short online flash-based trial edition for the new visual novel. The trial goes as far as play through the prologue part of the game and doesn’t seem to have have many limitations other than that it’s running in flash.

The online trial is available at their official website here (Warning: plays sound before you even start the trial) and seems to run smoothly after you’ve gone through the pre-loading. Simply click the big image saying “impression trial” to get it started. Do mind though that closing it pre-emptively means you’ll have to restart from the beginning.

Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi wo impression trial

Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi wo

When Akito was still just a child he used to watch the stars together with his childhood friends. Seeing so many of them through his telescope excited him. It was like he could travel to the galaxy every day. But as he grew older he actually got to be known as “The Astronomy club member that’s not looking at the stars”.

Then one day he receives an invitation to join the Mutsuraboshi club. And when he heads over there to politely decline he has an unexpected reunion with his childhood friend Hikari. Then there’s Saya, another one of his childhood friends, and Orihime, a senpai from another school who wishes for the Mutsuraboshi club’s revival. The last one in the list is Korona, who’s slightly younger than the rest.

Fueled by the reunion Akito once again begins to look up at the night sky. Precious feelings that he though he had lost now returned to him. “Let’s aim for the next step to unlock the mysteries of the galaxy!”. And so, surrounded by his friends, his days are filled with stargazing once more…