A Clockwork Ley-Line: Daybreak of Remnants Shadow Walkthrough (Unison Shift: Blossom / Denpasoft & Sekai Project & Kohaku Translations)

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This walkthrough is for the A Clockwork Ley-Line: Daybreak of Remnants Shadow visual novel by publisher Unison Shift: Blossom and developers Denpasoft, Sekai Project, and Kohaku Translations, available for English download on Denpasoft, Sekai Project, Steam. The Japanese name of this game is Tokeijikake no Ley Line -Zan’ei no Yoru ga Akeru Toki-.

A free 18+ upgrade DLC is also available for download here. The 18+ version of the game contains censored images. 

  • Please note: Following the guide doesn’t seem to unlock all CGs yet, we’ll update it when we know more

You’ll need 3 save slots for A Clockwork Ley-Line: Daybreak of Remnants Shadow .

This walkthrough is based on the one found on Seiya Saiga.


  • Items marked with * can be chosen out of order, it doesn’t affect the story or choices
  • Items with ** are especially important. They affect the end game rankings for the story.
  • Options with ( ) should be revisited to unlock another CG option. Use the quick save option to help you get them all.
  • Route ends don’t always have a credit scene afterwards. Some routes are continued on into the next route. Be aware that some of the choices you made in 1 route will not give you the best outcome in another route. Please refer to save locations and continue from there.

Adelheid Ending

  • Start 

Episode 1

  • We’ve done this lots of times already…
  • There’s a limit to that…
  • Wake him by shaking him
  • Burst into laughter
  • **It’s not a Mist after all?
  • *What was he like?
  • *When were you asked this?
  • *Did he say anything else?
  • Ask for Ushio’s opinion
  • Look away for now (Freeze up from the shock)
  • **He’s challenging the Bureau
  • **It has to be
  • **He was questioned about something
  • Pick up on her hint

Episode 2

  • Say, “We know how you feel, but…” to calm her down
  • *Where do you live?
  • *Why do you attend school at night?
  • *What do you do during the day?
  • Check in with Ushio
  • They’re agents from a secret organization
  • It’s fine
  • **She lacks magical resistance
  • **That weird question?
  • Grab the hand (Run away)
  • I’m really curious
  • Say something even though it’s just a dream (Give up, it’s just a dream)
  • Save slot 1
  • Grab Kotaro
  • **They could still be awake
  • **Kurodani Maya
  • Ask Soara if she’s ok

Episode 3

  • What are you reading so intently?
  • Sumi-chan and Tsubaki-chan will help out, right?
  • Tell Maya that Soara is feeling homesick
  • Are you all right?
  • Want me to take you there?
  • I’m not going to do anything!
  • *What exactly are homunculi?
  • *Is there any compensation?
  • *Is it necessary to use blood?
  • **Pretend to sniff Ushio
  • Save slot 2
  • Louis, think about Heidi’s feelings
  • Use the magic stone that Sumi-chan has?

Fuhito Ending

  • Load slot 2
  • What Louis says is right, Heidi
  • **Have a Magie remake it?

Episode 4

  • Yeah, I’m glad
  • How did this happen?
  • **It was trying to absorb Louis’s mana?
  • A-All right then
  • It’s a robot!
  • You couldn’t have seen it coming
  • Save slot 3
  • That doesn’t sound like the principal I know
  • Resist (Don’t resist)

Ushio Ending (SSS Rating Ending)

  • Load slot 1
  • Chase after Ushio
  • **No, they have to be here
  • **Yoshida Soara
  • Ask Soara if she’s ok

Episode 3

  • What are you reading so intently?
  • We’ll help you look for her
  • Let’s throw a party sometime
  • Are you all right?
  • Want me to take you there?
  • I’m not going to do anything!
  • *What exactly are homunculi?
  • *Is there any compensation?
  • *Is it necessary to use blood?
  • **Hug Ushio
  • Louis, think about Heidi’s feelings
  • **Use the magic stone that Sumi-chan has?

Episode 4

  • She’s probably lonely though
  • What a nice doll
  • Flip her skirt
  • **It was trying to contact the user?
  • A-All right then
  • It’s a robot!!
  • You couldn’t have seen it coming

Episode 5

  • Why only us two?
  • It has to be a Mist!
  • **Entering from the belfry
  • **The part about being sacrificed?
  • *Ask about graduation albums
  • *Ask about the school’s past
  • *Ask about alumni
  • *Ask about graduation albums
  • *Ask about the school’s past
  • *Ask about alumni

Episode 6

  • **Suwa?
  • *Summoning
  • *Possession
  • *Camouflage
  • *Hypnosis
  • **To prevent the Night Realm spell from being broken?
  • Grab the nearest allies and escape
  • **The chairwoman is a homunculus?
  • She wanted to at least keep you alive!

Normal End (D Rating Ending)

  • Load slot 3
  • I was planning on that anyway

Episode 5

  • Why only us two?
  • Wallow in despair
  • **Entering from underground
  • **The part about not agreeing with our methods?
  • *Ask about graduation albums
  • *Ask about the school’s past
  • *Ask about alumni
  • *Ask about graduation albums
  • *Ask about the school’s past
  • *Ask about alumni
  • **Momo-senpai?

Episode 6

  • *Summoning
  • *Possession
  • *Camouflage
  • *Hypnosis
  • **To strengthen the magic circle?
  • Grab the nearest allies and escape
  • **The chairwoman is a Magie?
  • She wanted to at least keep you alive!