HaremKingdom Walkthrough (Smee / Shiravune)

ReLord 3 The demon lord of Groessen and the final witch

This walkthrough is for the visual novel HaremKingdom published by Smee and Shiravune, available for English download on MangaGamer and Johren

HaremKingdom has 5 main heroines, Hikari, Sophia, Kiki, Charlone, and Marrou.

This guide will help you unlock all (censored) CGs for HaremKingdom. You’ll need 4 save slots in total for HaremKingdom. This walkthrough is based on the one found on Seiya Saiga.

Options with a * allow you to choose either one of the choices and unlock both CG.

For options with names of more than 1 girl, you can choose the listed girls and still proceed correctly.

Main Route Ending / Path of Fire Ending

  • Start
  • Hikari’s room (Sophia’s room, Kiki’s room, Charlone’s room)
  • *Adult choice
  • *Adult choice
  • Save slot 1
  • Hikari’s room
  • Save slot 2
  • Sophia’s room
  • *Adult choice
  • *Adult choice
  • Save slot 3
  • Sophia’s room
  • *Adult choice
  • Hikari’s room
  • *Adult choice
  • Hikari’s room
  • Sophia’s room
  • Kiki’s room
  • Charlone’s room
  • Marrou’s room
  • Save slot 4
  • Path of Fire
  • *Adult choice
  • *Adult choice
  • Hikari (Sophia, Kiki, Charlone, Marrou)
  • *Adult choice
  • Hikari (Sophia, Kiki, Charlone, Marrou)

Sophia Ending

  • Load slot 4
  • Path of Water

Charlone Ending

  • Load slot 4
  • Path of Wind
  • *Adult choice

Kiki Ending

  • Load slot 4
  • Path of Earth

Marrou Ending

  • Load slot 4
  • Path of Me
CG Recovery after Marrou Ending 
  • Load slot 1
  • Marrou’s room
  • *Adult choice
  • Marrou’s room
  • *Adult choice

CG Recovery after Kiki Ending 

  • Load slot 2
  • Kiki’s room
  • *Adult choice
  • Kiki’s room
  • *Adult choice

CG Recovery 1 after Charlone Ending

  • Load slot 1
  • Charlone’s room

CG Recovery 2 after Charlone Ending

  • Load slot 3
  • Charlone’s room