Small 1.01 patch should fix minor Windows 8 issue in Love, Vampire Flowers

Cosmic Cute has released a small 1.01 patch for the recently released game “Love, Vampire Flowers”. The patch is meant for an issue where the game won’t close properly on Windows 8 systems. Also, a second fix is included for some cases where the Title and OP movie wouldn’t play properly.

The patch is only around 1.5 MB and can be downloaded from their support site here, but in the case you’re unable to access their site a mirror is available here. After downloading you simply need to run the included file in order to apply the patch.

Love, Vampire Flowers

Love, Vampire Flowers is the 3rd game by Cosmic Cute and was released at the end of May this year. It features 5 heroines and has a vampire protagonist. Read the story synopsis here.